Behold! The Holy Land!
Sunday evening was fairly uneventful from a CHIN perspective. I think I found only one room "Open", but I ran into the vendor in the hallway and she let me shop when the door was not 100% open for business (still unpacking). My main objective of noting any rooms on the vendor list that don't actually exist was completed (apparently, I hadn't removed all of these last year). I also grabbed a salad to-go from the Taphouse since I wasn't running into a lot of folks that I knew.
I called it a night fairly early after my single run through of all the wings and getting food, I did not want to walk back to the GG alone in the dark. But, I was rewarded with this nice sunset:
Ah, nearly empty CHIN parking lot, a rare sight
I spent the remainder of the night making sure I was prepared for Monday morning, and listening to the latest MIB episode (Meredith Warren interview). Along with dealing with health and room minor shenanigans, both of which thankfully resolved themselves Sunday night with no repeats.
Day 1 Loot! Stablemates, from the one room I shopped in. I think I got all of this for $5
Monday, July 8th
NAN kicked off with day 1! Since it was earlier in the week than historical NAN's, we had a smaller staff for Monday. I was a ring steward/ribbon runner along with my best folks Mary, Kelsey, Jordan, and Amanda. We were a small but mighty team overseen by the awesome Vicky! From day 1, it was evident how much care and organization went into the planning for this year by Sara and Carrie. No detail was spared to keep things smooth and efficient! Our duties as staff included preparing judge sheets, checking in classes, directing judge traffic amongst ourselves, gathering and handing out awards when championships were announced, and answering the occasional questions from entrants if needed. We also kept information (check-ins and results sheets) flowing to the front stage so Lindsay and Shannon could stay on top of what was happening around the room.
The staff had a separate lounge area across from the show hall that was a nice escape for folks who needed a break or in the case of the judges, had extra time between classes. We were provided with food and crafts in addition to our "staff swag bags" that we received upon picking up our badges and shirts. Everyone I talked to who had previously worked the show said this was the best treatment they've had as staff (which makes sense, the Rupp arena where the show was for years was one giant concrete room without much space for separation of staff outside of a "corral" set of tables).
The competition, as always, was great quality with NAN and Day 1 had a strong start for OF Plastic Breed classes as well as the smaller but still mighty artisan performance. I did not get almost any pictures because as staff we weren't really allowed much phone use while we were working. And it wouldn't be so bad as a steward to take pictures, because we don't influence the decisions, but judging on Wednesday, I especially had to avoid doing that. I was just kept so busy with few moments to sit, I did not have much picture time on Monday!
After the show wrapped for the day, there were still not a lot of folks who had arrived for room sales. I went out for dinner at Osaka, a fantastic Japanese restaurant in Lexington, with show host Sara, Vicky, and friends Dana and her daughter. It was such a fabulous trip spending more time with Sara, who's previously been living in my region but will soon be moving away for her husband's work, and getting to know everyone else! We all had great food and because of how the cuisine is served, it was easy enough to try some of each other's. Sara also got a few appetizers to share on top of that. Hands down, my best meal in KY! Thank you again Sara & crew!
Soo I forgot that actually, I did my shopping for the night before we went to dinner (more Stablemates and put a few TR on hold until I was actually at the CHIN, less stuff to drag across the parking lot the better). I know I also trolled the halls when we got back for a bit, but again, there just wasn't a lot going on yet, so I went back to the GG probably earlier than I would have if there were more rooms open. I was pretty tired and feet hurt after my first day of work, so while I did some re-packing I didn't get to everything.
Monday night additions - thank you Jackie!
All of the GG ponies on the fancy nightstand
Tuesday, July 9th
Day 2 of NAN continued without too many incidents (only a couple of ponies throughout the day decided to nosedive off the tables without anyone near them, thankfully the room was carpeted so the damage was minimal compared to what it could have been on plain concrete). We had a few more staff joining us as stewards/ribbon runners, but things were still busy as we moved into the Artisan halter and OF performance portion of the event.
Show Host Sara graciously drove me over to the GG late morning to pick up my belongings and check out, so I would not need to make several, very slow trips on foot! Thankfully we had plenty of room in the judge area and in the smaller room next door which was offered as overflow for entrant tote storage that I could keep my things there for a few hours until Roommate Sara arrived down the hall. It was lovely to start seeing more folks arriving outside of our event, stopping by to say hello! During lunch I dropped off a couple of trades and sales items to folks I'd arranged ahead to connect with (including picking up my Region X longsleeve finally, yay!)
Towards the end of the day, once I knew Sara was in the room, I started moving my stuff down the hall as judges & staff started wrapping up their duties and art projects and no longer needed to be in the judge lounge. Despite my best efforts to "pack lighter", I still ended up having to bring a lot in order to be prepared for the week, so my tired feet were not pleased with the treks. At least we were in the 500's and not the 400's all the way at the opposite end of the hotel!
After NAN was done, I helped Sara finish getting her sales models ready, and she ordered dinner for delivery (since after that night, it would be too much of a madhouse to have food delivery show up). It was great to put my feet up for a bit. I also somewhere in there stopped back at Jackie's room down the hall to troll for more Stablemates I thought I'd missed (I think I was successful on a few) and pick up some QHG I'd put on hold the night before.
Of course, now that some more rooms were open, I wanted to do some more exploring! All in all, my Tuesday was very successful, though I think this was the point where I started pulling from future nights' cash envelopes rather than having extra leftover to move to future days as I did the first 2 nights. Ah well. It is hard to predict what you'll need each night, especially in a NAN year with extra nights needing to be accounted for. I also took this opportunity to put up my Stable Snaps flyers before the premium wall space was all taken!
the spoils of Tuesday night...including a classic and a crystal from my own roommate! I am beyond thrilled about Bobby Jo in particular. The Cream & Cocoa set were a lunchtime trade
Wednesday, July 10th
The time had finally come! My first experience actually judging at NAN! After 2 days of working the show, I knew a lot more about what to expect than if I'd been judging on the first day, so I felt good about that familiarity. Also, now that I was an actual Clarion guest, I grabbed myself the hotel continental breakfast in order to have a bit more calories in me than the small yogurt, fruit, pastries we'd been getting in the staff lounge. I was super excited to see a lot of Cool Things, and I was not disappointed! I was actually assigned to quite a few of the stablemate scale classes, which was very cool. The year I competed, 2012, had very few SM classes and my only Reserve Champion came from a SM special run class.
Click to enlarge, here I have drawn hearts next to the classes I was assigned to judge!
For those not familiar with NAN, there are many rings (I think we had 13-14 this year) going at once. Usually at least 5-6 each for one certain category/division. Unlike many local shows, each ring has a set number of assigned classes that will take place in each ring. So, you have to pay attention to specific rings rather than just an area of the hall. Things do not necessarily run in the overall "call order". This is because NAN's 3-judge system assigns us to work in specific classes, but depending on how slow/fast other classes or other judges are working, we might end up being needed for a bunch in a row or may have extra time to sit between our assignments. This is why, for the judges in particular, we had a craft table set up in the judge lounge available to paint, glitter, and otherwise craft with provided stablemates.
This also gave us a lot of social time! It was great hearing about what other regions are doing at shows and learning from one another to get ideas to bring home. As well as bounce ideas around about things NAN/NAMHSA can do in the future to provide more for members and retain interest in membership. Thank you everyone for the thoughtful and insightful discussions!
It has been a dream of mine to judge at NAN, at least going back to 2012 when I first attended, but maybe even further back than that! I could not have imagined a better experience for my first time and I hope to have another chance to give back in the future. Truly, a major thank you goes out to Sara & Carrie for believing in my knowledge & expertise enough to let me judge for you!! I can only hope I met my goal of contributing to at least a few happy memories for folks to celebrate!
The final day of NAN is always the short day, because we have to be out by a certain time so the tables can be moved around for Breyer's events later in the week. This went well as far as I could tell, the lunchtime NAMHSA members meeting also went off without a hitch - lots of news shared and folks recognized. After the show, I returned to the room and hung out with Sara for a bit while she sold from the room. (At some point I actually dug out my sales stuff, which I wasn't planning to outside of the Swap Meet, but most of the stuff besides the Snaps fit ok on the end of my bed and was easy enough to clean up each night.) We were both participating in the members-only sale for "The Horse You Want" group, though she drew an early number and I requested to be later, out of abundance of caution even though NAN would be long over by then - it was a new venue and all and I just wanted to be safe, haha. So, it worked out that I watched the room while she went to shop, and she took over again when it was closer to my turn.
After we'd both had a chance to shop, we went over to actually eat at the Taphouse in person (the only time I did so during the week), celebrating my successful first time judging and Sara's early successful room sales. Dinner was good! Once done with food, we both went shopping together for a bit, and I found a few more things (including buying a third model from the Horse You Want room!) I also traded a few bracelets in addition to some I made for friends whom I was slowly finding and dropping off.
I won the big drafter and the round medallion in the NAN raffle, the little SM I painted and glittered, and the purple medallion was this year's volunteer gift!
The remainder of Wednesday's haul! The grazing foal, ASB, and QHG came from the Horse You Want sale. Also, finally new bracelets, yay! I am particularly pleased to have scored a "Ketchup Boi" bracelet from the Steinkamps!
Thursday, July 11th
Thursday was intended to be the "chill" day, and that it was, for some time! Sara and I slept in, had a nice breakfast, and opened the room for most of the morning. (I had determined the night before that I should take a break from shopping for a bit!) We visited with Breakables and Resin Renn entrants and bought tickets for the Resin Renn raffle. Also, on that trip, we stopped by the 300's/400's to see about certain items. The room I'd put a couple more flockie SM on hold the night before was not open at that time, so I went back later that night for those, but I think Sara was successful on her errand.
My small sales crew on the end of my bed, here!
Sara's room is great for attracting customers because she faces the parking lot on the ground level for this wing
Our room setup and open for business on Thursday morning! The ring light was a great addition last year, so I brought them again. We only found space for one, but it greatly improves the lighting which is rather dark otherwise.
Here is where I wish I'd planned better (or at least gotten ahead of what I needed to have done), but it eventually worked out ok. I am just not a fan of when things don't go in the way I anticipated which leads to a lot of anxiety. The Resin raffle was to be pulled at 3, and the Stone pool party Sara and I wanted to attend was 4-6:30. We figured, maybe 15 minutes, half an hour tops for the raffle and then we'd have time to get changed and make it in time for the party, maybe even a little early and get shopping wristbands for Stone. How bad could it be, right? Had I known how things would drag, I would have at least gotten dressed beforehand, even if I didn't do hair/makeup yet. But again, I want to stress that this did not ultimately cause any catastrophes, I still got everything done that I wanted to do and only had to modify my hair plain a bit for speed. I am just *not very good* at dealing with changes to my expectations in the moment that I cannot control and thus ended up feeling panicky during the raffle pull.
The raffle, in total, took an hour and a half to finish pulling and announcing. It ended at 4:30 with the biggest and most valuable item pulled last, which of course Sara and I entered for, plus a couple of our friends who were also not show entrants but were stuck there waiting. To be fair, I did win a group of stickers, and a super cute unpainted micro, so my time and money spent weren't for naught, but it did feel like being between a rock and a hard place for a while. Leave, and possibly forfeit winning an expensive model, or stay, and risk being too late to the other event? (It was noted that if the Stone's event capacity filled up for the party they might have to turn people away.) I have every confidence that the procedure for this will be improved for future iterations of the show and I do not lament any of the folks who were in charge over how things turned out this time. I'm sure you all were as stressed as we were about it!
When the raffle was over, Sara and I booked it back to the room for the quickest change and transformation ever! I chose to skip a more complex element of my hair that I had planned for, because like the smart person I am, I had not practiced it. However, I was still able to use the accessories for it in a similar way and hopefully it didn't look too silly! The "Mojo Dojo Casa Horse" event, featuring hobby artisans and partnered with Stone, was offering costume contests for its two nights. The Thursday one was more informal, but since I couldn't attend the Friday one, I chose to dress up on Thursday. We just needed to take inspiration from Barbie in some way, so I went with a pink accented "Y2K" look with lots of glitter as a throwback to my pre-teen era.

Part of my outfit! I wanted to have twists in my hair to attach the clips to but no time. I'm also wearing a denim skirt that's very 2000's and gold strappy (FLAT) sandals (I am not good with heels normally, let alone when I've had sore feet for several days, I know myself that much haha!)
Thankfully, our arrival was not too fashionably late at the GG and we did make it to the party, though no wristbands for us (and apparently those were all given out quite a ways before 4, anyway, so getting there a few minutes before 4 wouldn't have helped, haha!) The room was immaculate, the food was tasty, and there was a pre-sale for some of the Stone merch (I bought a sticker set and upgraded to a fancy gold shopping bag). Apparently, no one was actually swimming because the pool was locked? I didn't go outside but a few folks were next to the room on the patio. It wasn't as hot as the next few days, but it was still not super desirable to be outside when A/C was an option!
It was really nice to see Region 10 friends Carly & her parents, and Abbey! (Though I missed meeting Abbey's BF and getting to see her daughter, awww :() And I finally got to meet my lovely fellow Breyer predictions chat friend Sarah! The giveaway chips Drafts were really cute, and several friends won! Yay!! Of course, I also got to meet the fabulous Stone Owner Erin formally as well which was super fun :D
After the party concluded, the Linefest began for Stone and continued to grow for Mojo Dojo. Honestly, the wait wasn't terrible for MD and it was nice talking to the folks around me. I was in line to pick up a newly releasing micro for my friend Beth back home, who couldn't make it to the event. I was a bit worried seeing the line as it was, but I had no trouble getting one for her! While in the MD salon area, I also grabbed a purchase card for the Stone run "Sublime". This was a really interesting collaboration that required navigating two different lines and also was time sensitive. There were only 45 Sublime available (and 10 of a larger scale model in the same color which was not in my budget) and to buy one, you first had to wait in the MD line, then go up to the correct table for a card. Next, exit the MD salon and go across the hall to Stone (but DON'T get in the general line), you'll be waved through at the front over to the register area to claim your model and get in line to check out. Sounds complicated, and it kind of was! But we figured it out.

Sea of pink in the Mojo Dojo Casa Horse line!
While I was waiting to buy Sublime, I was looking over the Stone sales that were still available at that point. There was a preview album on Facebook on the last Saturday for these models, and I'd taken screenshots of all the ones I found interesting, and also favoriting a smaller group as top priorities. This group was all OOAK pieces so when they sold, they were gone. I took notice of a few I recognized that hadn't sold yet, including one larger model in particular. Once I paid for Sublime, I headed back out to the hallway to get in the back of the general line. The original plan was to have the wristband folks enter in groups according to the wristband color, then open to general sales after that. I am not sure how well the wristband idea worked, but by my place in line, a lot of the wristbands had already gone through and those ahead of me seemed to be mostly general access. There were some rumors floating around that folks without a wristband were told "only wristbands shop tonight, everyone else tomorrow", so some people left.
I was trying to find out what the actual plan was, and according to the postings online, general sales would come after wristbands, so I stuck it out in the line. Sure enough, by the time I got close to the front, clearly non-wristband people were going in. I was rewarded in my patience to find the larger model, a Palouse, that had been staring at me earlier, had not sold yet! Delighted, I picked him up and went back over to the smaller scale area because I could NOT afford two large ones. I was surprised that the little rainbow Chips Morgan hadn't gone yet, so I chose that one as my second (we were allowed up to 2 each in our trip).
I think it was only around 8 when I was done with all of that, so I went back to the CHIN. Roommate Sara had not stayed for any of the lines. Once I'd dropped off my Stone stuff at the room, I went back out with the goals of picking up the little flockies I'd left behind last night, and visiting the Artisan Gallery. Flockies secured from the 400's, I wound my way back through the 200's (I think that's the only area I didn't get through on Wednesday) to meander back to the AG. It was getting late by the time I arrived, but I said hi to Laura & the carousel ponies and grabbed a few stickers on my way through the room. I also got some pics of most of the BCC, but one entry was being setup when I arrived so I didn't get a pic of that one.
From this point forward, it's been over a month since I wrote anything, so the remainder of this may be less detailed from memory!***
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