BreyerFest of the Future - Digitization & Changing Norms

 Hi everyone!

Just putting down some quick thoughts here on the latest change to the BreyerFest Event protocols...Hoping to do a deep dive on my thoughts on the models once all is revealed!

This year, all BreyerFest tickets will now be digital. While it's not an ideal situation for everyone, it's certainly a relief to those who had anxiety due to late ticket books the past 2 years. Plus, at least from my perspective, Breyer is doing their best to make sure people have options.

The tickets will feature one Master QR code that will allow access to each item that needs a ticket, or individual QR codes for each item that needs a ticket. These codes will be both emailed and available linked in the purchaser's Breyer account history. Your phone does NOT need to be able to read the code itself through your photo app as it will be Breyer event staff doing the scanning.

The good news is, you will NOT need to have access to internet on your phone during the event or for some folks even have your phone out to do everything you've done in the past! The QR codes can be saved via screenshot to your phone for offline access or saved to a digital wallet app such as Apple, Google, or Samsung Wallet (I am not familiar with any of these myself, but apparently they work pretty well). You can also print the codes out before you travel, or get printed copies at BreyerFest as there will be a booth set up to do this. I recommend using more than one method if possible for additional safety.

I understand not everyone has a printer at home or cannot use their printer for purposes other than work, but there are many options out there! Most local libraries offer free printing, especially for at most just a couple pages of black and white. Stores like Staples or FedEx Office are generally quite inexpensive for a couple sheets of black and white as well, and some like Staples can mail the prints to you if you do not have a store nearby. If you have local friends or family who could print for you, that's an option too. Or maybe even friends who aren't local but will be going to BreyerFest.

I also understand that change can be stressful, especially if it involves taking different or extra steps than what you had to do before. Very familiar with that being neurodivergent! I am glad that Breyer is announcing this now, so we have plenty of time to plan, prepare, and work through any stress points before we get to the moment of having to deal with them. If anything, please know that the vast majority of internet/tech savvy folks are here to help and will do our best to ensure that folks who are less comfortable are not left behind. I know that some of the discourse may come off as folks being dismissive or frustrated, but remember that for the most part people may be trying to provide reassurance that things will work out, and that there are options so that we have as few folks getting left behind as possible. The more we talk about these things, the more likely it is that those who need the support will find it.

Remembering last year, there was a lot of anxiety about the cashless system prior to the event, and I don't recall hearing about that many actual problems; long lines at the ATM, or other pitfalls that were brought up ahead of time as points of concern. 

I have exactly two concerns at this point regarding the ticket codes, and hopefully there will be a deep dive to address some of this. 

1. There has to be a way to check or "ping" the codes that are either digital or printed to ensure they haven't already been used once the event begins. This won't be a problem for anyone using their own tickets, or pickup folks using tickets/codes provided by their customers, but for ANYONE paying for an extra unused code after the event begins, there needs to be that extra layer of security. Sure, we could suggest that folks just pay for whatever their code got them and trade/sell later, but that's not always an option, especially towards the end of the weekend when funds are running low. If this issue is not addressed, I foresee a bit of increase in the amount of models that are not claimed by Sunday afternoon and thus moved into the Leftovers sale or later in the summer Online Second Chance. The only offset I see to this dip would be the fact that it's an anniversary year, and the chance that there will be special variations is higher - thus more folks may be trying their luck rather than just letting tickets go unclaimed. Of course, this depends on the popularity of any variations that may be included, too. 

Regardless of how this is handled, there needs to be SOMETHING in place to have a safety net against scammers who want to try and sell or trade already used codes and make a quick buck.

2. I'm hoping that there will be some sort of wristband/physical ID still once we enter the event, as lots of folks go back and forth to cars throughout the day, and having to scan in every time would create a lot of extra work. Even a stamp would be fine, I just want to know that there will be something to address this so people don't have to pull out the paper or phones every time they come and go.

See you all again sometime soon, hopefully...Breyer's giving us a pretty wild start to 2024 that's for sure. Particularly concerning topics not related to this post.
