Premier Club 2023 - It's a Wrap!

 Hi all!

Long time, no blog. Unfortunately, I am struggling with trying to avoid burnout recently, and I've been neglecting some of my projects, blog included. I'll try to make this a short one to hopefully get back into the swing of writing. 

The final Premier Club models arrived this week, and I am incredibly pleased! Rhiannon & Rhemi are an adorable pair of draft-y, fluffy cob goodness with super paint jobs. 

2023 PC Lineup

I got the glossy version of the freebie Stablemate, Aliyah, and I have to say I like her better than her Traditional scale counterpart. The legs are still not the most in scale on this version, but they are a little big rather than being too skinny and oddly tied into the shoulder on the TR. I might not go out of my way to conga her, but I'm also not considering immediately trading her away like I thought might be a possible outcome earlier in the year. 

Overall, this year of the club has been stellar, and I am so grateful that this ended up being my first year! 

I decided to go through and rank all of the PC releases, I think I've given my opinions before but not with actual rankings. And if I have, maybe they've changed? Anyway, there have now been 36 releases in the club, not including the Stablemates. I did one ranking on mold + color used in the PC, and one purely mold only, as there are some differences for me. For an additional layer, I then assigned points to each ranking, and added up the points totals for each year in both the combo and mold only categories. Finally, I added those two point categories together for each year to get an overall ranking by year. 

Individual rankings of the models in each category - Combo on left, mold only on right

Points totals and overall ranking by year

I found that this was an interesting way to assess my overall impression of each year of the club! There are some molds that I absolutely love but don't care as much for the original color, such as Wyatt and Croi, so having a ranking just by mold in addition to the combo ranking allowed me to give them some extra points. 

So far, in addition to the 2023 crew, I own Hamilton and Croi. Bobby Jo is my biggest target on my wish list out of what remains...I may eventually look for some of the other ones from the Combo top 20. 

Here's hoping the holiday season and "off season" of shows brings me some relief from what I am pushing back against...I have already fallen behind on some other self-imposed commitments like publishing recent survey results. This has actually been the first year of my life where I haven't had at least one consecutive month of not being expected to do work or school, so I'm trying to be kind to myself. It's been great having events coming back, going to BreyerFest again...but certainly tiring to keep up with. And like many other people I don't think I've fully moved past the pandemic era trauma yet either. I have a decent load on my plate for 2024, so I'm definitely going to be making sure I set boundaries for myself and allow for rest or to say no when I'm overloaded even if I'd really like to do something. Wishing all of you a restful and enjoyable holiday season! 
